We sent Dylan to Nana's this morning and headed off to Northwestern hoping to have the baby. My water didn't not break as I had thought and since the contractions weren't close enough, they sent us home. We were so disappointed!
The contractions are much stronger now lasting 20 seconds each. And closer together, every 6 minutes, and I am bleeding more(sorry TMI) but since we have an appointment to be induced tomorrow at 9:30 am. Joe and I are going to try and last through the night at home and work through the prelabor pains.
I miss my Dylan, he will be at his Nana's for the next few nights.
Hopefully the next time we post we will have finally have this baby!
We'll be thinking of you guys tonight and tomorrow.
Joe must post - even if there are no pics. : )
oh my goodness!
sounds like you are on your way! 50 % effaced means you are almost ready to push!!
I am keeping my fingers crossed and cannot wait to hear how it all went!
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