Monday, November 3, 2008

Weekly meal planning 11/2-8.

We had too much food last week. So this week I am going to incorporate a day or two for leftovers or what I call "clean out the fridge Wednesdays."
Here is what we are eating this week:
Sunday: Roasted pork (Jamie Oliver's recipe) and pan roasted root veggies.
Monday: leftover pork with mash and peas
Tuesday: Obama Grant Park Party! Eating out, hopefully Thai.
Wednesday: Cleanout the fridge stir-fry, with brown rice
Thursday: Meatloaf using a recipe from It's All Gouda.
Friday: Homemade pizza & salad
Saturday: The Everyday Italian spaghetti that I didn't make last weekend. With whole wheat noodles.
What are ya'll eating?
Don't forget to vote tomorrow, if you haven't already!


Paula said...

Oh, I'm so homesick looking at your beautiful yard blanketed with those colorful fall leaves! I grew up in the Valpo area, and I bet many a kid in Northwest Indiana has been spending the past few days raking and jumping in huge leaf piles! Thanks for the note about the meatloaf ... hope you enjoy it! And, I turned in my ballot today! It's super easy to vote out here in Oregon!

QGIRL said...

Thanks Paula. The photos of your meat loaf made it hard to resist trying. LIke you said, there are so many ways to do meat loaf. I usually use turkey and like you I use oatmeal. I try to get as much fiber in our meals as I can. I really like the seasonings you used in yours. Delish!
My kid really like meat loaf, it is the one thing I can cook and know that he'll definitely eat it. He is a true kid from the midwest - he loves his meat and potatoes!