I was so impressed I took photos!
The party was held at a gymnasium. Tara's mom & dad helped set everything up - and did such a great job too. Tara is very blessed to have parents that are so supportive and creative.
Here is the treat table. The kids got to decorate their own treat bags and fill them up with any treats they desired. We scored big time. Tara also gave out tubs of cotton candy and bottles of bubbles to every kid on the way out of the party - like the 3 lbs of candy we filled our treat bags with weren't enough!

The treat bag decorating table. Stocked with markers, stickers galore. Such a fun craft, Dylan had a blast decorating his bag.

Balls and rings! That's Matthew in the striped sweater. He had so much fun, and kept busy the whole time.

Blowing out his candles - with a little help from the other kids. Tara made and decorated all the cakes and cupcakes. What a woman!

Superstar! One of the treats from the treat table. Dylan had to wear these again today when we went to the park. I can't help but think he looks like Elton John. Lol.

I am totally stealing all these party ideas.
Check out new photos of the boys in my Flickr album, from our trip to the park and just hanging out around the house this weekend. The weather was mild and sunny. A little tease of summer.
Also..heads up... I might get brave and post a 16 week belly pic soon...don't say I didn't warn you.
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