Thursday, April 15, 2010

So technically, I'm a soccer mom now.

Last week Dylan played his first soccer game. It was so cute to see all the kids running around that tiny soccer field. I really don't know if they knew what they were doing, but everyone had fun all the same.

I couldn't take many good photos because I had to carry the baby around and run after Matthew. Joe was out on the field assisting the coach and kids, so that left me the job of pacifying Matthew. Matthew! The kid that never gives up. He is a determined little thing. He wanted to go to the playground past the soccer field, so we missed most of the game. I was bummed. I finally coaxed him back to the game by promising him that he could hold one of the soccer balls.

Here he is all sad because he wasn't able to play with the big kids. This is the face he makes much too often.

After he was allowed to hold a ball, he was all smiles. He is quite the charmer when he wants to be.

I can't imagine how hard will be when all 3 boys have games at the same time. Hopefully, they will figure out the cloning thing by then because we'll need an extra one of us to make it through the madness.

Here is our star player, trying to tame his luxurious Zac Efron Hair. It was a windy day.
Team Burn in action. If you open up the photo you can see that they are all going in different directions. I have no idea what Joe is saying, I think he trying to get a photo of Dylan. The whole game was a little chaotic.

After game line-up.

Here is Carson doing what he does best, sleeping. And a rare moment, Matthew is chillin'.

I threw this one in. Dylan all suited up for his first practice.

By-the-way..I start my new job on Monday. EEK. I'll report back next week. If I survive it.


Lisa said...

WOW! Love the pictures. I'm sure the first day at work will be tough, but your commute will be MUCH better. I'll be taking the train to the city and thinking about you. Hopefully, you can sleep in a tad bit and you'll have a much better commute. Can't wait to hear how it all goes. Another congratulations on the new gig Soccer Mom. : )

Anonymous said...

Quyen is a soccer mom! Matthew cracks me up...I know, easy for me to say. Keep me posted on the new gig! Love, Leslie XOXOXO