I am constantly told that Dylan has pretty big feet for a kid his age. Right now he is in a size 11 shoe. He started walking at 12 months old and we have had to buy him a newpair of shoes almost every 2-3 months since, not only are his feet big, but they grow so fast.
I usually buy shoes at Stride Rite on sale or look for discounted shoes at Marshall's or TJ Max. Last week I bought him a very expensive pair of sneakers, that he picked out himself. When we got home he wouldn't wear them. He walked around limping in them like they hurt his feet, even though he was properly sized and loved the shoes at the store. Of course, I ended up returning the pair, I am not keeping a pair of $60 shoes that the kid won't wear.
Now he won't wear his old size 10's. He barely wants to wear his sandles. Any advice? He doesn't like to be barefoot either. Should I break down and buy him another pair of Crocs? Winter will soon be here and they will be worthless. On the other hand, at least I know he is comfortable in them and they are a cheap solution for the time being.
I hope this behavior doesn't continue, it is hard enough finding cute, reasonably priced shoes but ones that are good for his feet and comfortable too, I am finding it almost impossible. Actually, it is a problem I have had all my life too. Being a size 10 feet by 8th grade and almost 5'10" tall wasn't fun when your friends (and especially the boys) were much much shorter. Co-ed mandatory ballroom dancing classes in 9th grade was pure torture for me!
I went to a few local stores looking for size 11 shoes today for Dylan and didn't have any luck. I have no idea what to send him in to daycare in tomorrow. Hopefully, he won't give daddy too much of a fight in the morning with his old size 10's.
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