Saturday, July 26, 2008

Our New Look

I thought it was time for a fresh look. Hope you like our new "Grungy" template, which you can find here. I really like the "Natural Essence" template too, maybe I'll use that one next month. I am still learning about this blogging thing and having lots of fun in the process.
I am still tweaking the colors a little, I can't seem to get them right.

Check back for Joe's post on the school bus races. Yeah, only in Indiana.


Anonymous said...

I love how fresh the new look feels. It might be the cool color!

P.S. The video clip of Matthew was so cute! He's so darn happy! Hope he's feeling better.


QGIRL said...

Thanks Fran.
Matthew is still sick. We had a super rough weekend. Lots of crying and the worst we've ever seen from him.
Take care!