Monday, March 1, 2010

Carson is 6 months old today.

I don't know what snuck up on us faster...March or Carson turning 6 months old. Man, where has the time gone? I can't believe I have been at home with the boys for 6 months now.

We have to schedule Carson's check-ups (cardiologist and pediatrician) but overall I think he is doing really well. He had his first minor ear infection and bout with RSV recently. Also, we think he is allergic to penicillin (like me). He broke out in hives all over his body after being on Amoxicillin. I had to start the food allergy elimination process from scratch, just to make sure it wasn't something he ate. Luckily we had only tried like 4 different foods, so it won't take much detective work. I really do think it is the antibiotic. Though it is just weird that he would have an allergic reaction a day after he finished 10-days of the stuff.

Carson continues to be a very easy baby, so sweet and full of joy. He watches his brothers every move. He very alert and curious. We are starting to see a little feisty personality too. When he can't reach something or if he wants something, his little lungs can pelt out a really alarming, loud cry. So cute!

The weather is slowly warming up, so hopefully we can enjoy some time outside soon. I am getting ready to plant my tomatoes and herbs. This year I want to plant a salsa garden so that Joe can have fresh pico de gallo every week, he loves salsas!

Here are some cute photos of Carson at 6 months old.

Enjoying some fresh, cold pears.
Dylan continues to be a great loving, doting, proud big brother.
Look at me, sitting up and playing so nicely!


geishagurl said...

How freakin cute Carson is....but then again, your babies are adorable and stay adorable....My Mom is allergic to penicillin too, good thing you found out, but that is weird. Is there a way to make salsa without fresh tomatoes? (I am allergic to fresh tomatoes and love salsa! LOL

geishagurl said...

I'm, Christy..haha

Fran said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again... you have to cutest little guys in the world!!! Sibling love is so cute. And, isn't it nice to actually be home with them? Enjoy it while you can.

Lisa said...

SOO Cute! I know it's hard to believe our babies are six months old. I had that same issue last week when chance hit 6 months. How are you serving the pears to Carson? I enlarged the pic. and was trying to figure out how they were packaged or if you had something around them? I've done mashed bannana with Chance and other foods I can put in the processor.